Purple Mountain Majesty

Along with much of the world we’re experiencing 100+ degree temps in Colorado right now and it’s hard not to think back to cold winter mornings such as this one. This scene came together one early morning at nearby Chautauqua Park in Boulder after a big snow in March 2021.

The day before when it was dumping snow, I noticed the following morning’s forecast was for clearing skies and I immediately checked one my favorite photography apps for some sunrise beta. Sure enough, The Photographer’s Ephemeris handy Skyfire feature was showing a good probability of a colorful sunrise. So I loaded my gear into my bag and set my alarm about an hour before sunrise hoping for a gorgeous morning and was well rewarded.


Morning View

So I've been riding my bikes a whole more than taking photos as of late.  Which is kind of hard to complain about since cycling is number one life-long passion over pretty much everything else.  I'm hoping to get back to more blogging and taking photos soon (actually have a backlog of stuff to edit) but for now enjoying the summer weather and my riding my bike nearly everyday will suffice.